Source code for platypush.backend.zwave.mqtt

import warnings

from platypush.backend import Backend

[docs]class ZwaveMqttBackend(Backend): """ Listen for events on a zwave2mqtt service. **WARNING**: This backend is **DEPRECATED** and it will be removed in a future version. It has been merged with :class:`platypush.plugins.zwave.mqtt.ZwaveMqttPlugin`. Now you can simply configure the `zwave.mqtt` plugin in order to enable the Zwave integration - no need to enable both the plugin and the backend. """
[docs] def run(self): super().run() warnings.warn( ''' The zwave.mqtt backend has been merged into the zwave.mqtt plugin. It is now deprecated and it will be removed in a future version. Please remove any references to it from your configuration. ''', DeprecationWarning, ) self.wait_stop()
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